Monday 29 September 2014

FORM OF VERBS पर पाये पूरा CONTROL : सिर्फ एक TIP में

FORM OF VERBS पर पाये पूरा CONTROL : सिर्फ एक TIP में

FORM  OF  VERBS  पर   पाये  पूरा  CONTROL  : 
सिर्फ एक TIP में 

FRIENDS जब भी FORMS OF VERBS की बात होती है ENGLISH SPEAKING में ,,,

जैसे  I GO TO THE MARKET YESTERDAY    नहीं  बल्कि   I WENT  TO  THE  MARKET  YESTERDAY होना चाहिए था..............तब ये गलती बहुत IRRITATING लगती है।

और जब हमे कोई कहता है कि   I HAVE JUST GAVE  THE KEYS TO RAJU नहीं बल्कि  I HAVE JUST GIVEN THE KEYS TO RAJU  होना चाहिए ,,,,तो फिर  FORMS OF VERBS परेशान करने लगता है।

जब भी हम में से ज्यादातर लोग VERB FORMS की बात करते हैं , तो हमारे सामने एक लम्बी LIST आ जाती है , जिसे हमे स्कूल के दिनों में रटना पड़ा था ,,,,,और आज भी हमे लगता है कि हमें FORMS OF VERBS को रटना पड़ेगा।

परन्तु REALITY में ऐसा बिलकुल नहीं है ,,,,VERB FORMS को दिमाग में रखना बड़ा आसान है।  

70% Forms of Verbs तो Verbs के end में    -ed   लगाके ही  बन जाते  है 

CALL    ---- CALLED (2nd Form)  ----  CALLED (3rd Form) 
SHOUT ----- SHOUTED (2nd Form ) ----- SHOUTED (3rd Form ) 
FEAR  ------ FEARED (2nd form ) ------ FEARED (3rd Form )                 etc ........ 

बचे 30% Verbs में से सिर्फ 10 % ही सामान्य ENGLISH SPEAKING में USE होते हैं।  और इन 10% को रटा  नहीं जाता ,,,,बल्कि समझा जाता है ,,,,,,आइये जाने कैसे ::::: 

हमे सिर्फ और सिर्फ एक निश्चित पैटर्न  को समझना पड़ता है ,,,,,,

SIMILAR  PATTERN 1  ये वो शब्द (verbs ) हैं जिनकी 2nd & 3rd form CHANGE नहीं होती है।  


CUT   ------- CUT (2nd form ) ----------- CUT (3rd Form ) 
FIT  ---------- FIT (2nd Form ) -----------FIT ( 3rd Form ) 


BEGIN  ---------- BEGAN (2nd form)  ---------- BEGUN (3rd form) 

    I    ------------  A  ------------- U      ये है पैटर्न 2nd form में I की जगह लिखना है और Uलिखना है 3rd form के लिए ,,,,यही पैटर्न  आपको बाकी इन शब्दों में भी USE करना है।  

OTHER VERBS having same Pattern : SWIM ,  RING ,  SING  , DRINK ,  SHRINK , STINK 


SLEEP  -------- SLEPT  --------  SLEPT     

पैटर्न ::  -eep   बन जायेगा -ept  2nd & 3rd form के लिए 

OTHER VERBS having same Pattern :  KEEP , SWEEP , WEEP , CREEP .....


CHOOSE  ----------- CHOSE (ओ ) --------- CHOSEN (ओ - अन ) 
SPEAK   -----------    SPOKE (ओ )  ---------- -SPOKEN (ओ - अन ) 

OTHER VERBS having same Pattern :  BREAK ,  FREEZE , STEAL , SPEAK,  WAKE ,                                                                                   AWAKE , WEAVE 


TEAR   ----------- TORE (ओर )  ------------------- TORN (ओर्न ) 
BEAR ------------ BORE   -------------------------- BORN 

OTHER VERBS having same Pattern :    WEAR , FORBEAR , SWEAR  etc.....


पैटर्न :: Words end with – ought or-ught  (ओट )   
v2 = verb 2nd form   v3 = verb 3rd form
Think – thought (v2 = v3)         Bring – brought (v2= v3)      
Buy – bought (v2= v3)
Seek – sought (v2=v3)             Fight – fought (v2= v3)       
Catch – caught (v2= v3)

Teach – taught (v2 =v3)


   पैटर्न ::    --end  becomes  – ent
Bend – bent ,      lend – Lent ,    Send – Sent      Spend – spent    


V(1)                (V2)                (V3)                   V(1)                (V2)                (V3)
- O -                -ee- an -                                   - O -                - ee-an -

Arise               Arose            Arisen                Drive              Drove            Driven
Ride                Rode              Ridden              Rise                 Rose               Risen

Write             Wrote           Written 


V(1)                (V2 ew)         (V3 own)                  V(1)                (V2 ew)         (V3own)
Grow               Grew              Grown,                      Fly                   Flew               Flown, 
 Blow               Blew              Blown,                       Know             Knew            Known
Draw              Drew              Drawn               Withdraw         Withdrew    Withdrawn


Deal             Dealt (V 2 & V3)        Dream           Dreamt (V 2 & V3)
Feel                Felt                             Mean            Meant
Kneel              Knelt                          Spill               spilt
Build               Built                            Burn               Burnt
Dwell               Dwelt                         Leave             Left
Learn             Learnt 
ऊपर दिए हुए SIMILAR PATTERNS कुछ उदहारण है जिससे ये बात CLEAR  हो जाती  है ,,,कि  FORMS OF VERBS  को रटा  नहीं जाता बल्कि समझा (OBSERVE ) जाता है।  

दूसरी सबसे महत्वपूर्ण बात यह है कि   आपको  GRAMMAR या FORMS OF VERBS या कुछ भी ENGLISH LEARNING से सम्बंधित TOPIC किस तरह से पढ़ाया जा रहा है ,,,,,,,,,,रटवाके  या  समझाके  

मैं  आशा करता हूँ कि   मेरे  जरिये  जो  TIPS  पढ़  रहे होंगे ,,,वो आपका ENGLISH सीखने का नजरिया बिलकुल बदल रहा होगा और उसे आसान भी बना रहा होगा।  

Saturday 27 September 2014

ENGLISH CHAMP GRAMMAR EXERCISE 4 : Difference between Present Simple and Present Continuous


Present Simple or Present Continuous?

A.   When do you use these time expressions?
     Choose the correct option, PS (present simple) or PC (present continuous).
     1. always                                PS      PC
     2. every day                            PS      PC
     3. now  (or right now)            PS      PC
     4. today                                   PS      PC
     5. sometimes                           PS      PC
     6. once a week                        PS      PC
     7. at the moment                     PS      PC
     8. this month                           PS      PC
     9. often (frequently)                PS      PC
   10. on Mondays/ Tuesdays...    PS      PC
   11. twice a day                          PS      PC
   12. never                                   PS      PC
   13. hardly ever (rarely)            PS      PC
   14. usually (normally)              PS      PC
   15. three times a year               PS      PC
   16. at weekends                         PS      PC
B. Write the verbs in the Present Simple for the subjects: hesheit.
     1. Tom  (work)           5. John  (watch)              9. Paul  (study)
     2. Susan  (live)           6. Helena  (wash)           19. Laura  (play)
     3. The  dog  (run)         7. The cat  (pass)            20. The car  (carry)
     4. My mother  (go)       8. The computer  (do)        21. The baby  (stay)
C. Complete the sentences with the verbs in the Present Continuous.
     1. Today, Jennifer  (study) very hard.
     2. The students  (do) good work.
     3. I  (learn) French at school.
     4. At the moment, the radio  (play) classical music.
     5. This week, we  (work) a lot at school.
     6. This year, my friends and I  (enjoy) our English lessons very much.
     7. You  (not/ listen) to music right now.
     8. Robert and Jeremy  (not/ go) to the concert.
     9.  (they/ go) to the recital?
   10.  (she/ stay) at home today?
   11.  (I/ learn) English well?
   12.  (you/ speak) on the telephone now?
D. Choose the correct option to complete the sentences (Present Simple or Present Continuous).
     1. The band ... an interview right now.          
         a) gives        b) is giving        c) give
     2. The musicians ... to play for their fans.
         a) are loving      b) loves       c) love
     3. The Corrs ... a musical band.
         a) is being       b) are being    c) are
     4. The student ... the trumpet every day.
         a) is playing     b) plays       c) play
     5. Daniela ... to the teacher at the moment.
         a) isn't listening    b) aren't listening     c) doesn't listen   
     6. She ... her email once a day.
         a) check      b) is checking     c) checks
     7. We ... to work this week, because it's our holidays.
         a) don't go      b) aren't go      c) aren't going
     8. ... classical music?
         a) You like     b) Are you liking     c) Do you like
     9. ... English now? Yes, she is.
         a) Is Mafalda studying       b) Does Mafalda study     c) Mafalda studying
   10. What ... ? She's sleeping.
         a) Josephine does      b) does Josephine do      c) is Josephine doing
   11. What ... ? He's a singer.
          a) Mark does       b) does Mark do      c) is Mark doing
   12. Liliana always ... her homework.
         a) is doing       b) does      c) do
   13. These students ... very often.
         a) don't study     b) aren't studying     c) not study
E. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs (Present Simple or Present Continuous).
     1. My father  (give) me €2,00 to eat at school every day.
     2. I usually  (have) a sandwish and some milk.
     3. Today, I  (eat) something different: an orange juice and a cake.
     4. My best friend  (talk) on the phone at the moment.
     5. My class  (wait) for the Geography teacher right now.
     6. We never  (like) to wait for the teachers.
     7.  (Carmen/ listen) to music on her mp3? No, she's checking her voicemail.
   10. " (Frederic/ go) to the beach every summer?"  "No, he  . He  (go) camping."
   11. At weekends, Camila  (watch) a film at the cinema.
   12. Patrícia  (not/ work) this month. She's on holidays.
   13. " (you/ listening) to me right now?"   "No, I  (not/ listen). I'm sorry.!
   14. John  (not/ sit) in classes every day. He's a bad student.
   15. They  (not/ travel) on their holidays. They usually  (stay) at home.
   16. " (you/ like) chocolate?"   "Yes, I  (love) it!"
   17. The Amazon river  (be) bigger than the Nile.
   18. The Alentejo and the Algarve  (be) in the south

F.     Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs (Present Simple or Present Continuous).
1. Hello, Paul!  you  (call) from school?
2. My brother  (rush) home after school every day.
3. What  this word  (mean)?
      4. My father  (work) hard these days.
      5. Where  she  (go)? Doesn't she know we are extremely late?
6. My sister  (not/ watch) TV at night.
7.  he  (talk) to his girlfriend on the phone every day?
8. My mother  (mix) a cheese sauce for the fish.
9.  the kids  (swim) in the pool? No, they aren't. They  (listen) to music.
10. I  (not/ make) sand castles right now. I  (not/ stand) playing in the sand.
11. What  you  (do)? I'm a student.
12.  the Williams  (have) lunch at the hotel this evening?
13. Lucy never  (take) her dog to campsites.
14. We  (travel) abroad in summer.
15. Ann  (work) in a shop, but this afternoon she  (play) tennis.
16. Look at Liz. She  (stand) in the corner. She  (wait) for her boyfriend.
     17. A: What is your job?
 B: I  (work) in a hospital.
     18. How many languages  she  (speak)?
19. What  the kid  (play) right now?
20. Excuse me! I think you  (sit) at my desk.
21. How  he  (come) to work? He always  (take) the bus.
22. I  (not/believe) that you have a lot of money.
23. Teacher: Daniel,  you  (listen) to me? I  (explain) an important subject now!!!
24. I’m so tired! The baby  (not/ sleep) yet. He never  (sleep) at night.

Wednesday 17 September 2014



151.   Hamper (v) हैंपर  : to prevent somebody from easily doing or achieving something
                              कोई चीज़ या व्यक्ति को किसी कार्य करने या आगे बढ़ने से रोकना
              E : Corruption in India is hampering the growth of development.

152.   Maroon मरूंन (v)  : To abandon or isolate with little hope of rescue or escape 
                                   छोड़ देना किसी को अकेला और आशा रहित 

153.  Unleash (v) अनलीश  :
         unleash something (on/upon somebody/something) 
       to suddenly let a strong force, emotion, etc. be felt or have an effect
              उन्मुक्त होना या एक दम से भावनाओ और वेग का असर होना जोरदार 
154.   Predict (v) प्रेडिक्ट  :   to say that something will happen in the future 
                                भविष्य के लिए अनुमान लगाना 
                I can predict that it will rain tomorrow definitely. 

155.   lash (v) लैश  : to hit somebody/something with great force
                          जोरदार वेग से टकराना 
      Heavy rains lashed Kupwara district of J&K on saturday night (past tense)

156.   Breach (n) ब्रीच  :
         an opening that is created during
         a military attack or by strong winds or seas
           The river has nine breaches on the southern bank 

157.   Recede (v) रीसीड  :
          to move gradually away from somebody 
        or away from a previous position
          अपनी पुरानी situation से दूर जाना , हलके हलके कम होना 
      The flood water is receding day by day in Jammu and Kashmir

158.   Devastate (v) डेवस्टेट  : to completely destroy a place or an area
                                    किसी जगह को पूरी  तरह से तबाह कर देना 
               Recent flood has devastated Jammu and Kashmir 

159.    Stagnant (adj) इस्टेग्नन्ट  :
                stagnant water or air is not moving and therefore smells unpleasant
                                         ठहरा हुआ हवा या पानी 
             Mosquitoes always breed on stagnant water

160.   Behead (v) बीहेड  : to cut off somebody's head, especially as a punishment
                             सर काट देना , सर धड़ से अलग कर देना 

                ISIS Terrorists are beheading U.S and British Citizens in Iraq 

161.  Abduct  (v) ऐब-डक्ट :
             to take somebody away illegally, especially using force
                                   अपरहण  करना 
               ISIS terrorists has abducted many citizens of U.S and Britain 

162.   Ravage (v) रैवीज : to damage something badly 
                             बुरी तरह से क्षति  पहुँचाना 

              Recent flash flood has ravaged the kashmir valley completely


163.  Accuse (v) अक्यूस : to blame someone that he has done something wrong
                                       आरोप लगाना   
                              Usage (U) : accuse somebody (sb) of doing something(sth)

      E : India always accuses Pakistan of spreading terrorism
      E : Girls always accuse Rahul sir of taking side of boys
      E:  Many girls have accused Asaram of molesting them.

164.  Accused (adj)  : आरोपी     
      E : Asaram is an accused in many criminal cases
      E:  A. Raja is one of the accused in 2-G scam

165.  Convict (v) कनविक्ट  : to decide officially in court that somebody(sb) is guilty of crime
                                          किसी को court से दोषी घोशित करना
      U: convict sb of something   or  convict sb of doing sth
      E : Supreme court has convicted  him of raping three girls

    Convict (n) कोनविक्ट  :   दोषी   =  Guilty (adj)

166.  Acquit (v) अक्विट : to decide officially in court that sb is not guilty of crime.
      U : acquit sb of sth              किसी को दोषमुक्त करना
       E :  Supreme court has acquitted him of all the charges 
167.  Allegation (n) एलेगेशन : accusing sb of doing sth wrong or illegal : दोषारोपण
      E :  Every criminal says that , allegations against him are fake

168.  Ammunition (n) एम्यूनिशन  : a supply of bullets etc. to be fired from guns
                                                   गोलियां और बारूद
     E : Delhi police caught 3 terrorists with explosives and 400 rounds of ammunition.
169.  Arsenal (n) आस्नल : a collection of weapons and explosives  : हथियारों और बारूद का जखीरा
      E : America has the biggest nuclear arsenal in the world .

170.  Assault (v) ;असॉल्ट  : to attack somebody (sb) violently especially when it is crime
                          किसी पर घातक हमला करना 
      Usage (U) :  Assault somebody (sb)
      E :  Thousands of protesters assaulted policemen yesterday
      E :  Four women have been sexually assaulted in the area recently

      Assault (n) : घातक हमला

171. Autopsy (n) ऑटोप्सी : Postmortem : An official examination of a dead body by a doctor to
                                                              find out the reason of death
    E : The Autopsy report has not come till now , and after getting autopsy report , we can 
              start our investigation. 

172. Alibi (n) एलबाई : evidence that proves that a person was in another place at the time 
                         of a crime and so could not have committed it     OR  
                        An excuse for something that you have done wrong
    E : The suspect had all alibis for the day of robbery 


Words related to Natural Disaster / Calamity / Destruction 

173. EPIDEMIC (n) एपिडेमिक  : (a large number of cases of a particular disease happening at the same time in a particular community   : महामारी
       E:  the outbreak of a flu epidemic
       E:  an epidemic of measles 
      E:   After flood in Kashmir , the chances of an epidemic due to floating dead bodies is the 
            biggest concern for the army and state govt. 

174. TOLL (n) : the amount of damage or the number of deaths and injuries that are caused in a particular war, disaster, etc  : मृत लोगो की संख्या किसी भी विनाश या हादसे के बाद 
      E : The official death toll has now reached 7000.
      E : Death toll has reached upto 500 in Kashmir due to flood. 
175. VICTIM (n ) विक्टिम  :  a person who has been attacked, injured or killed as the result of a crime, a disease, an accident, etc  : पीड़ित व्यक्ति 
      E :    murder/rape, etc. victims
      E :   accident/earthquake/famine, etc. victims
     E :   AIDS/cancer/stroke, etc. victims

     E :   Uttarakhand flood hit victims are still waiting for the relief funds. 

176.  CALAMITY (n) कलएमटी : an event that causes great damage to people's lives, property, etc
       disaster , Destruction  : आपदा , संकट , विपत्ति 

    Sudan suffered a series of calamities during the 1980s.
    His financial help saved the magazine from total calamity.  
    Lakhs of people have lost their homes in Kedarnath & Kashmir calamity .
177. EVACUATE (v) ईवेक्वेट  : (evacuate sb from one place to another ) :
      to move people from a place of danger to a safer place : 
     खतरे वाली जगह से सुरक्षित  जगह ले  जाना 
   E : Soldiers are evacuating thousands of people every day in Jammu and Kashmir. 

178.  REHABILITATE (v) रिहेब्लिटेट  :  Returning people , place or situation to its previous condition
                                    पुनर्वास करना , बहाल करना , पुनर्स्थापित करना
 E : Indian govt. is trying its level best to rehabilitate flood victims in J & K

179. SUBMERGE (v) (सबमर्ज )  : to go under the surface of water or liquid.
                                 पानी के अंदर डूब जाना 
    E: Thousands of houses are still submerging in the flood water in J & k

180. STRANDED (adj ) स्ट्रैंडेड : to stuck in a particular place for a period of time .
                                     किसी जगह पर कुछ समय के लिए फंस जाना
   E : Around 1.5 lakhs people are still stranded in different flood hit parts of Kashmir.

180.a)    RESCUE (v) रेस्क्यू    : to save somebody from a dangerous or harmful situation
                             बचाना किसी को मुसीबत situation  से
  E :  Indian army has rescued more than 1 lakh people till now from flood hit areas

180.b )  CASUALTY (n) केस्वल्टी  : Number of deaths or injured people in an accident

  E : In yesterday's bomb blast , 19 casualties have been reported till now