Friday 24 November 2017



1.      Movie has just started
2.      I have just got married
3.      Virat kohli has just got out.
4.      I have just got a promotion.
5.      I have just joined this company.
6.      I have already watched this movie 3 times
7.      Sir has already taught this chapter 2 times.
8.      Sir hasn’t scolded me till now.
9.      I haven’t worn this dress till now.
10.  Ravi hasn’t lent me money till now.
11.  He has sent me 30 messages since morning .
12.  I have already born/tolerated you so much.
13.  I haven’t thought about you like this.
14.  Rajesh hasn’t torn anyone’s book till now.
15.  The child hasn’t slept till now.
16.  I haven’t hidden anything from you till now.
17.  I haven’t seen this much big cake till now.
18.  This dog hasn’t bitten anyone till now.
19.  I haven’t ridden this bike before today.
20.  Ravi hasn’t driven car this much fast before today.
21.  Children haven’t written the essay till now.
22.  I haven’t flown kite this much high till now.
23.  I haven’t felt like this for you till now, as I am feeling for you today.
24.  I haven’t felt this much hot till now.
25.  England hasn’t won the world cup cricket till now.
26.  I haven’t run this much fast.
27.  He hasn’t told me a lie before today.
28.  Bangladesh hasn’t defeated/beaten India in Test cricket till today.
29.  I haven’t met any cricketer before today.
30.  Madam hasn’t given me this much more homework before today.
31.  I haven’t borrowed money from any friend till today.
32.  No-one has asked this much difficult question from Madam till today.
Anyone hasn’t asked this much difficult question from Madam till today.
33.  It hasn’t rained this much heavily in Dehradun before today.
Dehradun hasn’t got/received this much heavy rainfall before today.
There hasn’t been this much heavy rainfall in Dehradun before today.
34.  Anyone hasn’t hurt me this much before today.
No-one has hurt me this much before today.
35.  He hasn’t told me like this till now.
36.  Ravi hasn’t asked me like this till now.
37.  I haven’t seen this much tall girl before this.
38.  I haven’t ridden bike on this much curvy/zig-zag roads.
39.  India hasn’t won/got/received more than 3 gold medals till today.
40.  Any friend has not cheated / betrayed / duped me till today.
No friend has cheated me till today.
None of my friends has cheated me till today.
41.  Any relative has not given me Rs. 1000 till now.
No Relative has given me Rs. 1000
None of my relatives has given me Rs. 1000.
42.  Three girls have proposed to me till today.
43.  I have already filled this form three times.
44.  I haven’t broken relation with her till now.
45.  I haven’t seen this much innocent girl before this .
46.  Four persons have died of dengue till now.
47.  10 Accidents have taken place on this highway till now.
This highway has witnessed 10 accidents till now.
48.  I haven’t seen a stingy/miser guy like you in my whole life.
49.  Virat kohli has hit/scored 5 centuries in this year till now.
50.  Gayle has hit 50 sixes in this IPL till now.


1.            I haven’t met Riya for 3 days.       I haven’t smoked a cigarette since Monday.
2.            Father hasn’t scolded me for many years    Ravi hasn’t talked to me for 3 months
3.            I haven’t driven car for three weeks     Sir hasn’t taken a class since Monday.
4.            BJP hasn’t made government in UP for last 15 years.
5.            My father hasn’t gone to village for two years.    I haven’t given any government exam since January.
6.            I haven’t ridden this bike for 2 years.    I haven’t woken up at 5 am since after exam.
7.            I haven’t got time to play cricket since after marriage.
8.            It hasn’t rained in our area for last 3 days./  Our area hasn’t received / got rainfall for last 3 days.
9.            Pakistan hasn’t won cricket world cup since 1992.
10.        John Abrahim hasn’t given any hit movie for two years.
11.        It hasn’t snowed in Mussoorie for three years
Mussoorie hasn’t got /received snowfall for three years.
12.        I haven’t got any gift since my last birthday.
13.        Argentina hasn’t won any major football tournament for last 4 years.
14.        Sir hasn’t taught grammar for many days.

15.        Priya hasn’t called me since last Monday.

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