Friday 24 November 2017


1.      This boy is very stubborn, he never listens to me.
2.      I have never seen this much big liar, he always tells a lie.
3.      If you want to clear IIT Exam, then you should be a studious student.
4.      Small children are very curious, the ask questions on every small matter.
5.      Ravi is an obedient son, he never disobeys me.
6.      People who are choosy, they don’t become happy quickly.
7.      Present’s Generation has become more extravagant than Past’s Generation.
8.      I have never seen a talkative boy like Ajay before.
9.      People often become forgetful in old age.
10.  Priya Chopra is a versatile actress, she acts in different roles very easily.
11.  If you want to gain knowledge, then you must be a curious person.
12.  Most of the people around the politicians are flatterers.
13.  No cricket team is invincible in this world whether it is Australia or Africa.
14.  Makka Madia is the biggest pilgrimage of Muslims.
15.  Thousands of devotees go to Amarnath Shrine every year.
16.  My father is a short tempered person, he gets angry on small matters.
17.  No one likes stingy people, everyone makes fun of them.
18.  New generation is becoming atheist day by day.
19.  Court should give death sentence to all the Traitors.
20.  People tease fretful people more.  

1.      Trustworthy
2.      Orthodox
3.      Pilgrims
4.      None
5.      Pampered
6.      Stale
7.      Zig-Zag
8.      Auspicious
9.      Barbaric
10.  Boastful
11.  Anonymous
12.  Trusting
13.  Truthful
14.  Resolute
15.  Arrogant
16.  Skeptical
17.  Innovator
18.  Fretful
19.  Shrewd
20.  Theist
21.  Traitor
22.  Extravagant
23.  Stingy
24.  Opportunist

25.  Abusive

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