Friday 29 September 2017


        Exercise on Adjectives

1.     ये लड़का बहुत जिद्दी है , ये मेरी कभी नहीं सुनता है .
2.     मैंने आजतक इतना बड़ा झूठा इंसान नहीं देखा , ये हर वक़्त झूट बोलता है .
3.     अगर तुम्हे IIT का exam पास करना है , तो तुम्हे एक पढ़ाकू student होना चाहिए.
4.     छोटे बच्चे बहुत जिज्ञासु होते हैं , वो हर छोटी छोटी चीज़ पूछते हैं .
5.     रवि एक आज्ञाकारी लड़का है , वो मुझे कभी मना नहीं कर सकता है .
6.     जो लोग choosy होते हैं , वो life में जल्दी से खुश नहीं हो पाते हैं.
7.     आज कि Generation पहले के comparison में ज्यादा खर्चेलु हो गयी हैं .
8.     मैंने अजय जितना बातूनी लड़का पहले कभी नहीं देखा.
9.     अक्सर लोग भुढ़ापे में भुलक्कड हो जाते हैं.
10.   प्रियंका चोपड़ा एक versatile actress है , वो अलग अलग तरह के roles बड़ी आसानी से कर लेती है .
11.   अगर तुम्हे knowlege gain करना है , तो तुम्हे एक जिज्ञासु इंसान होना चाहिए.
12.   नेता के चारो तरफ रहने वाले लोग ज्यादातर चापलूस होते हैं .
13.   कोई भी क्रिकेट टीम इस दुनिया में अजय नहीं है , चाहे वो ऑस्ट्रेलिया हो या अफ्रीका .
14.   मक्का मदीना मुसलमानों का सबसे बड़ा तीर्थस्थल है .
15.   हर साल हजारो भक्त अमरनाथ बाबा के दर्शन के लिए अमरनाथ यात्रा पर जाते हैं .
16.   मेरे पापा बहुत गुस्सेल स्वभाव के हैं, उन्हें छोटी छोटी बातो पर गुस्सा जाता है .
17.   कंजूस लोगो को कोई पसंद नहीं करता , हर कोई उनका मजाक बनता है .
18.   नई generation दिन प्रतिदिन नास्तिक होती जा रही है .
19.   कोर्ट को सभी गद्दारों को सजाये मौत देनी चाहिए.
20.   लोग चिडचिडे लोगो को और चिड़ाते हैं.

Fill in the blanks with suitable Adjectives or Nouns

1.     A _________friend can never cheat you. (invincible, trustworthy, orthodox)
2.     In villages old people do not accept new ideas easily, because they are highly
____________by nature (trustworthy, hermit, orthodox )
3.     Millions of _________visit Makka Madina every year. (Boastful, Pilgrims, stale)
4.     _____________ people are those people who beilieve that if a cat crosses your way , then it would bring bad luck for you. (Reticent, Capable, Pretentious,None )
5.     _____________children often become stubborn and disobedient. (Docile, Versatile,Pampered, None)
6.     _____________food is never considered good for the health. (Fresh,Nectar,Hygienic, Stale)
7.     It is not easy to drive on mountainous roads because 90% roads are _________
(Hermit, Zig-Zag , Marshy)
8.     Marriage is an __________occasion which brings happiness for two families together.
(Superstitious, Auspicious, Stale, coward)
9.     Aurangzeb killed many hindus and forced to convert them into Muslims and that’s why he is considered the most __________ruler of Mughal History. (Timid, Nectar, Barbaric)
10.   At the time of elections, all the politicians become _________about the achievement or works of their political parties (Boastful, Bitter, Deceiver, Coward)
11.   Charity is considered best when a person donates his major share and always keeps his name ______________(Auspicious, Anonymous, Reticent, None)
12.   In present time, be it business or relations, we should not be over ___________, otherwise we should be ready to be cheated at any time. (Calm, Trusting, Hermit, None ))
13.   Raja Harishchandra in Hindu Mythology was considered the most _____________King.
(violent, calm, Truthful, innocent)
14.   One who is not _________about his goals & commitments never gets success in the life.
(Skeptical, Timid, Resoulte , Flatterer )
15.   The young professor thought he knew everything and was too __________to listen to his mentor’s advice. (Calm, Talkative, Reticent, Arrogant)
16.   After the exposure of immoral life of many so called Religious preachers / Gurus , people have become highly ____________about other Gurus. (Ignorant, prudent, skeptical, none)
17.   Apple Ex-CEO Late Steve Jobs was considered the biggest ____________in the field of Technology. (Coward, Stingy, Innovator, short tempered)
18.   In prolonged illness , most of the patients become ___________and that’s why they become angry on small disturbances & problems. (calm, strong, fretful, Resolute)
19.   A ___________person is able to understand and judge a situation quickly and to use this understanding to their own advantage. (Forgetful, Stingy, Shrewd , Fretful )
20.   One can’t know the supremacy of God without being a _________(Flatterer, theist , Gossipy, None )
21.   He was given a death sentence , because he had been convicted of being a __________
.as he shared the confidential information with the enemies. (theist, Atheist, Murderer, Traitor)
22.   Mr. Saket lost almost 90% of this wealth and property because of the ________behavior of his two sons. (Prudent, fretful, Extravagant, Fussy )
23.   It is very difficult to score marks in state board exams , because most of the teachers are ___________in giving marks. (liberal, calm, stingy, none )
24.   The clever man saw the opportunity to make the most out of the new shares as he is known as an _______________( Anchor, Opportunist , Innovator, Incubator )
25.   A person often becomes more ____________ after drinking heavily. ( calm, Curious, Abusive , None)

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