Wednesday 27 September 2017


Positive & Negative Sentences

1.      I wake up at 5 am every morning.
2.      I eat 3 chappatis at night.
3.      I go to the market every Sunday.
4.      You always tease me.
5.      I fear from ghost.
6.      You suspect / doubt me without any reason / unnecessarily.
7.      I forgive friends quickly.
8.      You swear to me falsely.
9.      I always motivate children.
10.  You praise me without any reason.
11.  I purchase clothes from  Paltan market.
12.  My father scolds me.
13.  I don’t drink cold drink.
14.  You don’t trust me.
15.  Ravi doesn’t play cricket.
16.  Raju doesn’t call me.
17.  I don’t go to the temple daily.
18.  My mother doesn’t go to the temple daily.
19.  Vinay doesn’t flirt with girls.
20.  My sister doesn’t make chowmin.
21.  You don’t give me gifts.
22.  I don’t miss you.
23.  We don’t hate you.
24.  Prakash doesn’t chat with me.
25.  My sister doesn’t scold me.
26.   You blame/accuse me without any reason.
27.  I don’t learn English.
28.  Sir teaches maths.
29.  Vikas teases me.
30.  Children learn English here.
31.  Riya always comes late.
32.  Piyush always spreads books on the bed.
33.  I don’t awake my father in the evening.
34.  He always refuses to play cricket.
35.  Our teachers don’t beat children.
36.  We all gather in the assembly ground for prayer.
37.  I don’t peep into the matters of others.
38.  These children don’t burst crackers.
39.  Ravi doesn’t criticize us.
40.  Her smile always attracts me.
41.  These both children don’t apologize.
42.  Priya never apologizes to me.
43.  I don’t want to take revenge from you.
44.  Ravi wants to take revenge from me.
45.  My brother doesn’t hide anything from me.
46.  Rakesh doesn’t mug-up answers.
47.  These boys abuse everyone.
48.  He doesn’t want to break this friendship.
49.  I don’t want to listen to this song anymore.
50.  Priya doesn’t obey me.
51.  These type of people bribe politicians.
52.  My no relative provokes me against my family.
53.  We often tempt children for getting any work done by them.
54.  Ravi never annoys his father.
55.  You try to defame me.
56.  I don’t want to defame anyone.
57.  These boys never borrow money from me.
58.  Boys often protest against Principal of D.A.V College.
59.  My father doesn’t suspect me for anything.
60.  I don’t borrow money from anyone.
61.  This boy doesn’t fear at all.
62.  She doesn’t want to scare you.
63.  I don’t want to quarrel with you.
64.  Ambar often threatens/bullies small shopkeepers.
65.  I don’t threaten anyone.
66.  I often hiccup after eating spicy food.
67.  I don’t want to pressurize you at all.
68.  You shout at me uselessly.
69.  Our principal doesn’t shout at us at all.
70.  Vinod doesn’t stare at any girl.
71.  You always try to hype the matter.
72.  I shy from girls while talking
I shy from girls when I talk to them
73.  These boys shy from me while talking to me in English.
74.  You always pretend to be my friend.
75.  Ravi doesn’t pretend that he knows everything.
76.  Priya often forgets formulae in exams.
77.  I often forget the names of my old friends.
78.  Rajeev always shows poor people inferior.
79.  You always show me inferior.
80.  I often stammer while speaking in English/ when I speak English.
81.  Ravi doesn’t stammer while speaking in English/ when he speaks English. .
82.  My father always motivates me.
83.  Ravi tickles small children so much.
84.  I hesitate a lot while speaking English.
85.  Priya doesn’t hesitate at all while speaking in English.
86.  My friends forgive me for every mistake.
87.  Ravi sir doesn’t forgive students easily.
88.  Your face reminds me of my old friend.
89.  This song reminds me of my school days.
90.  I sweat a lot while eating food.
91.  Sir sweats a lot while teaching.
92.  Ravi doesn’t sweat even in summer season.
93.  I always vacate the chairs for elders.
94.  Rajesh doesn’t vacate seats for girls or ladies in the bus.
95.  I abstain from curd in winters.
96.  Vijay has diabetes, but he doesn’t abstain anything.
97.  We often sanctify ourselves by sprinkling ganga water.
98.  My father expects so much from me.
99.  These children expect so much from me.
100.          Every student expects me to teach him good English.
101.          I don’t feel jealous of anybody.
102.          You always feel jealous of me.
103.          Priya doesn’t feel jealous of you at all.
104.          I don’t feel jealous of any friend at all.
105.          Ravi doesn’t want to obey you.
106.          These students don’t obey me.
107.          I don’t want to compel you.
108.          These people want to compel me for this work.
109.          Sahil doesn’t compel anybody.
110.          Rohit doesn’t confess his mistake easily.
111.          Ravi doesn’t want to confess his mistake.
112.          Flood destroys the lives of thousands of people every year in the country.
113.          He wants to ruin or destroy my life.
114.          You always divert my attention from studies.
115.          Rohit sir doesn’t motivate children.
116.          He doesn’t want to motivate you.
117.          Ravi sir doesn’t shout at children.
118.          I want to forget this accident.
119.          Rajesh doesn’t want to bear you anymore now.
120.          Priya doesn’t spy me.
121.          Our principal doesn’t praise anyone.
122.          You always try to scare me.
123.          Ravi doesn’t buy clothes from the paltan market.
124.          Ronak doesn’t criticize anybody in the class.
125.          You always try to blame me.
126.          Ravi doesn’t hide anything from me.
127.          You don’t want to apologize to me.
128.          Rajeev doesn’t abuse anybody.
129.          I keep fast every Monday.
130.          You always want to hide something from me.
131.          You want to spy me.

Confirmation sentences

1.      Do you wake up at 6 am?
2.      Do you miss me?
3.      Do you learn English in English champ?
4.      Do you always write with a blue pen?
5.      Do you trust me?
6.      Do you watch T.V daily?
7.      Do you believe in God?
8.      Do you work in the market?
9.      Do you tease girls?
10.  Does you maternal uncle give you a gift on your birthday?
11.  Do you face problems in English Speaking?
12.  Do you teach mathematics to your brother?
13.  Do you read English Newspaper daily?
14.  Do you work in the market?
15.  Does your any friend drink daily?
16.  Do you love any girl?
17.  Do you obey your father?
18.  Do you suspect me?
19.  Do you play cricket daily?
20.  Do you make food at home?
21.  Does your father give you money every month?
22.  Do you go to mussoorie every year?
23.  Do you flirt with girls?
24.  Does your mother defend you from your father?
25.  Does your any friend force you for smoking?
26.  Do you try to speak English?
27.  Do you drink whiskey?
28.  Does your class teacher speak English?
29.  Do you make dinner yourself?
30.  Do you chat every day?
31.  Do you drink alcohol?
32.  Do you smoke cigarette?
33.  Do you worship every day?
34.  Do you read newspaper every day?
35.  Do you run in the morning?
36.  Do you awake your father in the morning?
37.  Do you go to temple every week?
38.  Do you celebrate your birthday?
39.  Do you shy from girls?
40.  Do you buy clothes from Paltan market?
41.  Do you like politics?
42.  Do you want to become a rich person?
43.  Do you want to go abroad?
44.  Do you sleep late at night?
45.  Do you chat every night?
46.  Do you play cricket every day?
47.  Do you drink coffee?
48.  Do you watch movies at cinema halls?
49.  Do you speak English with your friends?
50.  Do you lend money to friends?
51.  Do you borrow money from friends?
52.  Do you listen to news every day?
53.  Do you listen to FM Radio?
54.  Do you go to English champ everyday?
55.  Do you want to go to Nepal?
56.  Do you want to do love marriage?
57.  Do you want to speak good English?
58.  Do you see dreams of ghosts?
59.  Do you roam in the evening?
60.  Do you celebrate Valentine day?
61.  Do you eat fruits everyday?
62.  Do you argue with your father?
63.  Do you sometimes hurt your mother?
64.  Do you quarrel with your brother or sister?
65.  Do you feel jealous of any relative?
66.  Do you get nightmares?
67.  Do you want to become a rich person?
68.  Do you enjoy English learning in English champ?
69.  Do you watch football matches?
70.  Do you worship every day?
71.  Do you believe in other religions?
72.  Do you shy from girls?
73.  Do you hesitate in English speaking?
74.  Do you know Car driving?
75.  Do you know everything about me?
76.  Do you know about the family of Sir?
77.  Do you fear from ghost?
78.  Do you want to work in New Delhi?

1.      Does your brother work in New Delhi?
2.      Does sir teach well?
3.      Does your father work in Govt.Sector?
4.      Does your father smoke cigarette?
5.      Does your mother worship daily?
6.      Does sir scold children?
7.      Does your brother wake up early morning?
8.      Does sir speak in English with everyone?
9.      Does virat kohli play well?
10.  Does your best friend smoke cigarette?
11.  Does your any female friend chat with you daily?
12.  Does your any friend borrow money from you?
13.  Does your father give you money every month?
14.  Does Priya want to become a rich person?
15.  Does this dog bite?
16.  Does sir start the class on time?
17.  Does sir take many holidays?
18.  Does your father get angry on small matters?
19.  Does Rahul criticize others a lot?
20.  Does any boy or girl like you?
21.  Does your brother quarrel with you?
22.  Does your any female friend call you every day?
23.  Does vikas sir take a leave every week?
24.  Does vikas sir teach any other subject other than English?
25.  Does your neighbor criticize you?


1.       Where do you live ?
2.       When do you sleep?
3.       Why do you want to learn English?
4.       Where does your father work?
5.       Who teaches you English?
6.       In which class does your brother study?
7.       When do you wake up in the morning?
8.       How do you go home everyday?
9.       With whom do you play cricket?
10.   With whom do you talk on the phone everyday?
11.   At whom does Ravi sir shout the most?
12.   For whom do you buy a rose every day?
13.   About whom do you think the most in your life?
14.   Till what time does your brother study at night?
15.   How many chappaties do you eat in the breakfast?
16.   How much do your parents love you?
17.   Whom do you love the most?
18.   Whom do you consider your best friend?
19.   Till what time does Vikas Sir teach?
20.   How long do you use internet/FB/Wats App everyday ?
21.   What time does your father wake up?
22.   How much time do you study at home?
23.   Why do you want to learn English?
24.   How long does Vikas Sir teach you everyday ?
25.   How long do you read Newspaper everyday ?
26.   When do you go to temple?
27.   Which country do you want to visit?
28.   In how much time do you reach institute from home ?
29.   What time does your father reach home?
30.   From where do you buy clothes ?
31.   Till what time do you study at home?
32.   Till what time do you chat ?
33.   When do you take / eat dinner?
34.   When does your mother make dinner?
35.   When do you miss your school friends?
36.   How much do you want to study in your life?
37.   whom do you love the most in your family ?
38.   How much do you want to earn in one month?
39.   whom does your father scold the most in your family ?
40.   How much time do you sleep at night?
41.   whom does your mother praise the most in your family ?
42.   How many chappatis do you eat in the breakfast?
43.   For which country does Imran Tahir play?
44.   With whom do you spend you most of the time?
45.   With whom do you study?
46.   With whom do you go for a walk in the evening?
47.   which relative do you trust the most ?
48.   How long do you read in English Champ ?
49.   which friend trusts you the most ?
50.   which female friend chats with you the most ?
51.   Which channel do you watch the most ?
52.   How much money does your father give you every month ?
53.   In which city do you want to live your life ?
54.   which T.V Channel do you watch the most ?
55.   Which Actor’s movies do you watch the most?
56.   With whom do you spend your most of the time ?
57.   About whom do you think the most in your life ?
58.   In which restaurant do you eat fast food?
59.   How much fee does Vikas Sir take?
60.   Till When do you study at night ?
61.   Which habit don’t you like in boys or girls ?
62.   How much time do you study in English champ?
63.   How many glasses of water do you drink in one day?
64.   How many chappatis do you eat in the breakfast?
65.   When does your father get angry with you ?
66.   Which job does your father expect from you ?
67.   How long do you use internet everyday?
68.   How long does your mother worship everyday ?
69.   How much does your father trust you ?