Saturday 13 January 2018


MIXED CONVERSATION  ( Simple + Cont. + Modals )

1.       How long are you reading newspaper these days?
2.       How much money can you give to a poor person?
3.       What time does Vikas sir open institute?
4.       What are you doing in your life these days?
5.       Should I bring any change in my personality?
6.       Am I looking smart in this get-up today?
7.       Does sir look more smart in casual dress?
8.       Why can’t you speak good English?
9.       Which type of girl would you like to marry?
10.   Which type of boys would you like to marry?
11.   Why is pollution increasing in Dehradun day by day?
12.   Why are divorce cases increasing in the society day by day?
13.   What do you like in Vikas Sir’s teaching the most?
14.   Which type of marriage do you want to do -- :Love or Arrange?
15.   Can you speak fluent English in 3 months?
16.   Which movie would be the biggest hit of this year?
17.   What is your brother doing these days?
18.   What would you like to change in your past life?
19.   What age do you want to marry?
20.   In which courses are taking interest these days/
21.   Are we becoming slave to technology day by day?
22.   How can we solve the problem of terrorism?
23.   What would you like to purchase for your parents by your first salary?
24.   How many hours would you study during board Exams?
25.   What are you learning in the class these days?
26.   What are you doing in the evening these days?
27.   With whom do you talk on the phone everyday?
28.   What time are you sleeping these days?
29.   For which exam are you preparing  these days?
How much do you want to study in your life?

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