Tuesday 8 December 2015


LIST 1  ( A - D ) 

Abandon (v)
To leave behind
Reject, desert, forsake, drop, renounce
Keep, claim, continue, maintain
Abbreviate (v)
To shorten
Shorten, reduce, contract, compress
Increase, extend, enlargement, extension, expand
Abdicate (v)

Resign, surrender, renounce, abandon
Keep, claim, continue, maintain
Abhor (v)

Hate, loathe, despise, detest
Love, adore, admire, praise, cherish
Abnormal (adj)

Unusual, unnatural, irregular, extraordinary, uncommon
Usual, natural, regular, ordinary, common
Abolish (v)
Remove completely
Cancel, end, revoke, nullify, disallow
Create, establish, conserve, retain
Abort (v)

Cancel, terminate, abandon, stop, cease
Finish, complete, achieve, conclude
Abridge (v)

Shorten, curtail, reduced, summarised
Expand, lengthen
Abrupt (adj)
Immediate, sudden, quick, rapid, unexpected
Unhurried, gradual
Absolute (n)

Complete, perfect, whole, total, full, unqualified, unhurried
Limited, restricted, incomplete
Abstract (adj)

Theoretical, conceptual, ideal
Practical, specific, concrete
Absurd (adj)

Foolish, ridiculous, laughable
Sense, wisdom, reality
Abuse (v)
Using bad or foul words
Insult, misuse, exploit, mishandle, hurt, harm
Respect, honour, protect, praise, compliment
Accelerate (v)
Speed up
Hurry, quicken, speed, rush
Slow, delay, brake,
Acclaim (v)
Praise publicly
Praise, applaud, commend, compliment
Criticism, criticize, denounce
Accomplished (adj)
Skilled, masterly, expert, gifted, brilliant, accepted

Unproven, unestablished
Accumulate (v)

Collect, gather, assemble

Decrease, diminish, lessen
Accuse (v)

Blame, charge, implicate
Clear, acquit, absolve
Acquaint (v)
To become familiar with someone
Introduce, meet, present, inform, advise
Conceal, hide
Acquire (v)

Obtain, attain, gain
Lose, forfeit, relinquish
Acute (adj)

Keen ,sharp ,perceptive

Adapt (v)
To fit yourself by changing
Fit, change, conform,

Adjacent (adj)

Near, next to, bordering, touching
Remote, distant, removed
Adore (v)

Worship ,love, cherish idolize,

Abhor, hate, despise, dislike
Adorn (v)

Beautify, decorate, ornament, embellish,
Divest, strip, mar deface
Adulteration  (n)

Make impure, degrade, mix, lace, sully, foul, tamper,
Adverse (adj)
Not in favour
Bad, misfortune, destructive, hostile destructive,
Good, favourable, beneficial,,
Agony (n)
Great pain
Hurt, torture, torment, trauma, distress, heartache

Alacrity (n)

Eagerness, willingness ,ardour, fervour, keenness, briskness,
Alibi (n)
Perfect excuse
Excuse, story, explanation, plea, defence,

Allure (v)

attract or tempt, Charm, , attract, captivate, draw charm 
Repel, alienate, estrange,
Alter (v)

Change, make different, vary, transform, revise, remake
Maintain, continue, keep
Amateur (adj)

Novice, beginner, apprentice, hobbyist
Expert, professional ,experienced 
Amaze (v)

surprise ,astonish,  astound, bewilder, stun,

Bore, tire, expect, anticipate,
Ambition (n)

Desire, will, determination, drive, energy,
Indifference, apathy, laziness,
Amend (v)

Correct in the existing one
Correct, perfect, reform, revise, change, alter,
Worsen, weaken, keep,
Amiable (adj)

, friendly, agreeable, pleasant, cordial
Unfriendly, disagreeable, unpleasant,
Ample (adj)

Enough, copious, profuse,
Insufficient, meagre,
Anguish (n)

pain , Distress, agony, torment, misery, anxiety
Comfort, solace, pleasure
Annoy (v)
Irk, irritate, bother, vex, pester, disturb,
Comfort ,soothe, please,
Antecedent (n)

Ancestors, roots,  genealogy, forefathers,

Anticipate (v)

Expect, foresee, foretell, predict,

Apathy (n)
Not showing care or interest
Indifference, unconcern, coldness, lethargy,
Concern, fervour, interest,
Appreciate (v)

Prize, realize, understand, admire, honour, cherish
Misunderstand, misjudge, dislike scorn,

Suitable, proper, fitting, correct  (V)steal take, allocate, assign, allot, disburse,
Inappropriate, unfitting, unsuitable, return. Relinquish,
Aroma (n)

Scent, smell, odour,
Stink, stench, reek,
Arrogance (n)

A  feeling of showing others inferior
Conceit, pride, ego, imperiousness,
Modest, humbleness, humility,
Assimilate (v)

Adapt, adjust, fit in, integrate, blend in,

Assorted (adj)

Various, varied, mixed, diverse,
Identical, uniform, similar
Astound (adj)

Amaze, surprise, startle, astound

Astute (adj)

shrewd, keen, clever, canny,
Dumb, naive stupid, uninntelligennt
Audacity (n)

Courage, bravery, guts, nerve, daring,
Fear, timidity, courtesy, politeness, deference,

Auspicious (adj)
Lucky and favourable

Bright, rosy, good, optimistic, hopeful, timely, well timed, lucky, fortunate, beneficial,


Austere (adj)
Very simple and plain with seriousness

Severe, rigid, strict, stern, harsh, stiff, formal,
Cheerful, friendly, lenient

Authentic (adj)

Real, actual, pure, genuine, true,

Fake, imitation, unreal, false,
Awkward (adj)
Odd or out of the trend

Clumsy, inept, bungling, ungainly, unhandy, delicate,
Graceful, coordinated, pleasant, easy

Barbarian (adj)
Very Cruel or brutal
uncultured, brutish, person, a lout,
Smart, civilized, sophisticated, 
Beauty (n)

Appeal, charm, good looks, fairness, loveliness,

Beckon (v)
To call

Motion, summon, signal, hail, call,

Belated (adj)
Later in relation to proper time
Late, overdue, not on time, behind, delayed ,behind time,

Benevolent (adj)

Kind, kind-hearted, warm-hearted, altruistic, considerate. Tender- hearted,
Unkind, tight- fisted
Bequeath (v)

Leave, hand down, entrust, grant,  donate, confer

Beseech (v)
Beg or request
Implore, beg, entreat, supplicate, pray to

Betray (v)
Cheat or deceive
Trick, forsake, desert, abandon, disclose, reveal, expose,

Support, guard safeguard
Bleak (adj)
Hopeless , dull , unhappy
Grim, dismal, barren , bare, impudent, brazen,

Subtle, inconspicuous,
Blunt (adj)
Not sharp
Dull, frank, candid, abrupt; short, direct
Sharp, pointed, edged, subtle. Tactful, sharpen, excite
Blur (n)
Not clear
Haze .  blot .cloud.  abscure.shroud,

Brisk (adj)
Lively , swift quick busy, sharp, energetic
Slow sluggish , dead, mellow
Brittle (adj)

Weak , breakable, sturdy, fragile
Strong unbreakble sturdy
Brutal (adj)

Barbaric mean vicious harsh ruthless
Kind , gentle, merciful, humane,
Cacophony (n)

Harsh , unpleasant, discordant, sounds,

Cajole (v)

Persuade, coax, talk into

Calamity (n)

Disaster, catastrophe, mishap , misfortuen
Blessing , boon , godsend
Camouflage (n)
To confuse or mislead by changing natural condition
Conceal, disguise, cover, coldness,
Expose, reveal, show,

Capable (adj)

Able, skilful, efficient, talented
Incapable, unskilled,

Capture (v)

Catch , seize, arrest, take, captive, take into custody, detain
Free,  freedom, escape
Carnival (n)

Festival, jublilee, fall ,rush , surge,

Cascade (n)
Series of waterfall
Water fall , fall, rapids, fall surge
Trickle , drip, leak,
Catalyst (n)
Speed up
Stimulus, activator, agitator, reactant

Cautious (adj)

Careful , watchful, attentive, alert, wary, 
Rash daring careless, foolhardy,

Stop, discontinue, spend, quit, halt, desist,
Continue, start, begin
Act of blaming & criticizing
Condemnation, criticism, disapproval, blame
Praise , approval ,
Chaos (n)

Disorder, confusion, jumble, mess,
Organization, harmony , order, calm,
Charity (n)

Aid, alms, benefaction, assistance, generosity,
Stinginess, selfishness, cold- heartedness
Chatter (v)
Talk more than necessary
Babble, talk, jabber, gossip, talking blather

Chauvinism (n)
Unwarranted inclination towards somebody or something
Bigotry, bias, sexism, racism, intolerance,

Cherish (v)

Love, honour, revere, respect, nurture, adore, value
Hate, detest, dislike
Chivalry (n)
Military of armed men
Gallantry, courtesy,
Rudeness, boorishness
Choke (v)
Block or stop
Strangle, smother ,suffocate, gasp, drown, block , stop , plug,
Unclog, unplug


Refined cultured, advanced, tamed,

Uncivilized, wild

Dirty or unusual
Bungling, awkward, ungainly ,
Graceful , agile

Group, clump, collection, band, pack, mass,
Scatter, disperse

To fall down after breaking apart
Sink , deflate, fall, fail, downfall failure


Huge, massive, enormous, gigantic, very big, mighty, stupendous


Battle , fight war, conflict, fight oppose,
Peace, truce, harmony


Small, compressed, packed, dense,
Large loose, loosen . unpack

Sympathy, tenderness ,kindliness mercy, feeling

Indifference, coldness unconcen

Compliment (n)

Praise, acclaim, approval , flattery,
Insult, disapproval , complaint


Joined mixed, melded blended blend compound


Understand, grasp, perceive

Conceal (v)

Hide, camouflage, bury, clock, veil
Reveal expose show

Concrete (n)

Cement, pavement, asphalt, mortar, solid, conclusive
Vague, theoretical, obscure

Agree,  consent,
Disagree reject, disapprove
Confess (v)

Admit concede, acknowledge, own disclose
Hide , deny withhold
Confront (v)
Face somebody or something
Meet, encounter, face,  appose, tackle, resist
Avoid flee, evade
Consecutive (adj)

Successive, unbroken, continuous, sequential
Interrupted, broken,
Consequence (n)

Aftermath, outcome , result upshot, moment note
Source, cause , origin unimportance
Conserve (v)

Save, preserve, guard protect, safeguard
Waste, exhaust, consume

Plot, scheme, intrigue, treason, trick

Contagious (adj)

Catching spreadable, transmissible
Non-contiguous ,
Contradict (v)

Refute, deny , differ, counter, oppose, dispute,
Confirm , verify, support,
Convince (v)

Persuade, influence, sway, satisfy, assure,

Copious (adj)

Heavy, abundant rich lavish, overflowing
Scant light sparse
Corrosion (n)

Erosion, rust decay, breakdown


Worldly , urbane cultured small town

Cowardly (adj)

Timid fearful fainthearted. scared
Brae , fearless, bold
Cozy (adj)

Snug, warm , comfortable , relaxing , honk,
Cold, uncomfortable, unpleasant
Cumbersome (adj)

Awkward, clumsy, bulky, weighty,
Manageable, easy compact,

Questioning, searching , nosy odd, exotic, rare


 Lack shortage, scarcity, rareness
 Abundance, surfeit
Debris (n)

Trash, wreckage, refute, hold, up,


Propriety, decency, civility, protocol,
Impropriety, bad manner. Rudeness
Deficient  (adj)

Lacking, incomplete, wanting, short.
Complete, sufficient, adequate,
Defy (v)

Disobey, resist, elude, foil challenge
Obey, surrender
Deliberate (v)

Examine, consider, weigh, study,
Spontaneous, hasty, rash
Delicious (adj)

Appetizing , rich luscious, tasty, savoury, pleasing, delightful
 Sickening,  unpleasant terrible
Demolish (v)

Wreck , ruin, destroy, break
Build, restore, create,
Demur (adj)

Modest, unassuming, meek timid,
Brazen shamelss
Despair (n)

Hopelessness, desperation dejection
Hope joy
Despise  (v)

Detest, hate, abhor , scorn, dislike
Like admire, respect,
Devastation (n)

Destruction, ruin. Fallout, wreckage, ,

Devoid (adj)

Lacking ,without, free, from or vacant of

Dilapidated (adj)

Broken-down decaying, falling  apart, crumbling
Sound solid new
Diminish (v)

Lessen, reduce, lower, dwindle, subside
Increase, magnify, enlarge
Disdain (v)

Loathe hate , abhor, hold  incontempt , spurn
Like admire , respect,
Dismay (v)

Dishearten distress, alarm, frighten, appal, alarm,
Hearten, relieve, assurance,
Distorted (adj)

Twisted, contorted, buckled, deformed, misshaped,
Docile (adj)

Gentle, passive, tame, obedient, manageable
Unruly, rebellious, wild
Drift (v)

Wander, tramp, ramble, amble, meander, flow, trend, bearing

Dubious (adj)

Questionable, doubtful, uncertain,
Certain, sure, definite

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